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The first event is a charity ball. It will be held at the Watson Hall - Tewkesbury (Gloucestershire) on 3rd May 2003. 8pm - late. The evening will feature readings of the poetry of the beat generation (inc. Kerouac, Ginsberg, Corso and Snyder), a buffet to the soundtrack of The Beatles, live beat pop band The Mighty Stars, and a cheesy disco til' late. There is a fully licensed bar and free raffle. Tickets are £15 including buffet and entry to the raffle.
For tickets call Matt (01684) 298463 or (07940) 317977 or send a cheque together with the amount of tickets required and your address and telephone number to Matthew Stead, 88 Churchill Grove, Tewkesbury, Glos, GL20 8DW. Postage is free. Alternatively you can buy tickets online using your credit or debit card by clicking on the icon below. Please remember to email me also on mattsteadvietnam@hotmail.com to provide your address and telephone number so that I can post your tickets.
Please could all payments reach me by 22nd April for booking reasons.
On 24th April I will be climbing unaided up all 3559ft of Mt Snowdon in North Wales. If you would like to join me in participating the event or would like to sponsor me please get in touch using the details provided in the contacts section.
There are also plans for the
following events.
- car boot sale
- a charity gig with my band The Mighty Stars (to visit the mighty stars website click here)
These are currently being arranged and more information on these will be posted here very shortly.